SWP142 8of10 Want to know how to beat your true rivalry?

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How you continue your journey once you get to a certain spot of your success


“Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker.” –Garth Nix–

  1. What’s success?
    1. A journey
    2. A lifestyle
    3. An attitude
  2. Decide where you want to be
    1. Look back at when you started, what was your vision
      • If you had a vision:
        1. Assess its validity
        2. How willing are you to continue on the same path
      • If you didn’t have a vision
        1. Create one
        2. Lay down the steps that will lead you there
        3. Determine where you are, how far / close to the steps you just listed
        4. Assess your resources (mental readiness, belief readiness, physical readiness, emotional readiness, space readiness)
        5. Lay a map with a time frame that will take you from where you are to each step you listed to make your vision a reality

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. –Lau Tzu–