SWP143 9of10 Want to know how to beat your true rivalry?

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How you prepare for peak performance

It’s better to be prepared for the opportunity and not have one, than to have an opportunity and not to be prepared. –Less Brown–
  1. What’s peak performance?
    1. The ability to perform your best at every moment you choose
    2. A lifestyle
    3. An attitude
  2. How to prepare for peak performance?
    1. Master yourself
      • know what ignites and what extinguishes you
      • Master how you boost your igniters and how you manage your extinguishers
        1. Your belief system
        2. Your Thoughts
        3. Your Emotions and feelings
  1. Master how you integrate the external influencers:
    • Know what they are
    • How to spot them
    • How they impact you
      1. Space of performance
      2. Human environment
  1. Prepare your energy, and thus yourself to deal with various scenarios
    • Remember: Result is 100% dependent on your response. The event happens anyway
  2. Baby exercise:

Think of times where you felt you did certain things really well and answer the following:

  1. 1 to 10, how prepared were you?
  2. What did you do to prepare (list all the juicy details)?
  3. What would you like to keep from that practice and what would you like to improve?
  4. Among the items that you want to improve, pick the one that you believe matters the most
  5. How are you going to improve it?
  6. When are you going to start?


“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”. – Roman philosopher Seneca –